Zaitsev Alexander – Step one
Author: Zaitsev Alexander
The game mechanics follow the classic scheme of modern online games but with a small addition. After a certain level, the combat component fades into the background, and social skills and position in the gaming society begin to play a role. Moreover, the power of local kingdoms is controlled by non-player characters of exorbitant levels, which ordinary players must grow and develop to compete with.
The story is interesting to read, but the protagonist's only goal is to level up his character to meet a girl who plays the same game.
An expansive world, although almost unexplored by the hero
The idea with the local nobility, which includes a tiny number of players, is quite interesting
Traditional mechanics of online games, without much originality. A gamer reader will find a lot boring, a non-gamer reader will find a lot incomprehensible.
The number of traditional “tanks” in virtual reality, in which painful sensations remain, should be significantly less than other classes, which should clearly introduce an imbalance in the traditional mechanics of tank-healer-damager. The author uses traditional mechanics and doesn’t bother