Super Powerful Hero

Super Powerful Hero

Any main character in a book usually has characteristics that set him apart from ordinary characters. This could be origin, unique abilities, some specific skills or magical powers. They may give him some advantages, or simply increase his chances of survival.

One option is to gradually develop together with ordinary people. Yes, the hero will be more dexterous, stronger, smarter than the rest. But his capabilities will not go beyond what an ordinary person can achieve with the same efforts.

But often the author is tempted to do more than simply endow the hero with special abilities. The hero may initially turn out to be such a brilliant warrior or have such magical powers that virtually no one can resist him.

Sometimes the plot includes some unique artifact, weapon or spaceship. And the hero, having it, will be able to move through the plot without encountering resistance.

Yes, the hero will have opponents, and quite strong ones (by the standards of the world). But the hero has even greater opportunities and moves on with virtually no obstacles. Each battle may present some difficulties, require full effort or the use of unusual methods or artifacts. But as a result, all opponents still turn out to be much weaker than the hero.

Starting from a certain point, a situation may arise when the hero’s powers grow so much that ordinary opponents cannot do anything with him. Here the hero can single-handedly begin to confront enemy groups, armies, or even entire states. Here you need to come up with worthy opponents for him or some difficult to achieve goal worthy of his capabilities

Of course, at first the reader may be pleased to associate himself with a hero who simply has no worthy opponents. But if throughout the book, further advancement requires less and less effort, and battles are reduced to the destruction of ordinary opponents, then interest is gradually lost. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance between the constant strengthening of the hero and the challenges that will confront him

More often than not, a super-powered hero is a hallmark of heroic fantasy. But sometimes the author gets carried away and gradually endows an initially ordinary character with more and more possibilities.

Such books are most often not for those who like complex philosophical concepts or a complicated plot with a lot of mysteries.

But if you are ready for a hero who easily solves all problems simply thanks to his insanely developed abilities or cheating abilities (which no one else has) - you should pay attention to books like this

Burevoy Andrey – Dragon Slayer of the Empire

Burevoy Andrey – Dragon Slayer of the Empire

He killed the dragon, became a knight - all that remains is to win the heart of his lady. But here everything is not so simple, because the lady not only regrets the promise she once made, but is also not against getting herself a familiar with unique abilities. But the hero has his own vision of a future life together

Raspopov Dmitry – Shards of Hearts

Raspopov Dmitry – Shards of Hearts

An ancient family of vampires, for the first time in its history, expels its offspring from the family. The exile has only one thing left to do - die. This would have happened if it weren’t for the Teacher of the Cursed Clan Nosferatu and his love for an elven girl. Overcome everything and achieve your goal - this is the main motto of the new Death Knight

Sergey Tarmashev – Dawn of darkness

Sergey Tarmashev – Dawn of darkness

There is always a place for betrayal in the human kingdom. Especially if the royal throne is at stake. Here, a power-lover will not only commit treason, but even make a deal with dark forces. Only the former may not like the result very much. It will be too late.

Tarmashev Sergey – Shine of darkness

Tarmashev Sergey – Shine of darkness

Continuation of the confrontation with the no longer so mysterious necros and an attempt to unite the human kingdoms in the face of the impending invasion.

Tarmashev Sergey – Sunset of darkness

Tarmashev Sergey – Sunset of darkness

The attack of countless hordes of enemies on the human kingdoms is in full swing. The elves are not going to interfere; the necromancers have their own internal problems. Having fought off the first attacks and protected himself from the rear, the main character begins to gather the remnants of the human troops into one fist.

Tarmashev Sergey – End of darkness

Tarmashev Sergey – End of darkness

The end of the confrontation between orcs, humans and countless hordes of nomads. And if the nomads cannot resist the power of the orc troops and the magic of wizards, then the necromancers on another continent have more serious weapons.

Tarmashev Sergey – Corporation

Tarmashev Sergey – Corporation

Further development of the idea of a post-apocalyptic society without violence, only now the forces of good are opposed by a “dictator” who, to control humanity, uses a personal army of “moralized” people devoted to him personally. And of course, the only ones who can resist him are the ancient warriors who have become a terrible fairy tale, who in official history are presented as the focus of evil.

Sergey Tarmashev – Catastrophe

Sergey Tarmashev – Catastrophe

The remnants of humanity miraculously survived the nuclear war and decided that in the new conditions there is no place for violence. But there will always be problems that need to be solved with the help of force. After all, on the surface there is a violent evolution of the surviving vauna. And inside the shelters there will always be those who are dissatisfied with the current situation and want to change everything, if not by force, then by deception. It is for such cases that there is a team of "outsiders", soldiers who have received a lethal dose of radiation, who sleep in anabiosis while waiting for the appearance of a medicine or the need for their professional skills.