The Kingkiller Chronicle - fantasy trilogy by the American writer Patrick Rothfuss

The Kingkiller Chronicle - fantasy trilogy by the American writer Patrick Rothfuss

The series revolves around the life of Kvothe, a well-known adventurer and musician, who narrates his story to a scribe. The book follows a "story-within-a-story" format, where a frame narrative sets the present day, where Kvothe runs an inn under an assumed name, and is told in omniscient third-person. The primary plot, which makes up the majority of the books and details Kvothe's life, is narrated in the first person. The series also features metafictional stories within stories from various perspectives that tie to the main plot in different ways.

#1: Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind

<b>#1:</b> Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind

Author: Patrick Rothfuss

One day, a young boy named Kvothe, who was an Edema Ruh, an actor from a traveling troupe, and a student of an arcanist, heard about the Chandrians from his father. These were strange and terrible demons, either real creatures or the heroes of legends and children's horror songs. Nobody knew that a song about them would cost Kvothe's parents and the entire troupe their lives, and would push him onto a road full of adventures and dangers. Whether he is a tramp, a university student, or an innkeeper, he will be searching for the trail of the terrible creatures he encountered one night in the ashes where his carefree childhood burned.

#2: Patrick Rothfuss - A Wise Man's Fears

<b>#2:</b> Patrick Rothfuss - A Wise Man's Fears

Author: Patrick Rothfuss

In the pages of A Wise Man's Fear, Day Two of the Kingkiller Chronicle, Kvothe seeks answers to his questions as he tries to discover the truth about the mysterious Amir, the Chandrians, and the death of his parents. Along the way, he is tested by the legendary warrior from Adem, restores the good name of his family and travels to the domain of Fae. There he meets Felurian, a fairy whom no man can resist, and whom no man has ever survived. In the pages of A Wise Man's Fear, Kvothe takes his first steps on the hero's path and discovers how difficult life can be when one becomes a living legend.