Memory loss

Memory loss

Loss of memory by the main character is one of the fairly common plot devices.

If the hero finds himself in an unfamiliar world, then the lack of memory of a previous life can further complicate life or, on the contrary, speed up adaptation to new realities. Moreover, the hero’s desire to regain his memory will be a completely logical incentive for the development of the plot and the growth of the hero.

The hero’s (as well as the reader’s) lack of knowledge about his past opens up space for the author to have unexpected plot twists. In a critical situation, the hero can use some knowledge or abilities that he did not even know about before. Of course, such moves should not be abused. If all problems are solved by sudden insight from a past life, then it will quickly become boring.

Sometimes the past itself finds the hero, and he will not always be happy about it. After all, you may have powerful enemies. Moreover, you will not know either the reasons for the hostility or their real possibilities.

Often the reader himself does not suspect until the very end what is hidden in the hero’s past. Sometimes the author leaves a bunch of clues and the secret can be solved much earlier. But at the same time, the character himself, who has lost his memory, will honestly search for a solution until the very end.

Most often, memory loss can be combined with a detective plot. Sometimes the intrigue even lasts until the very end of the book, in which the author dots all the i's and returns to the hero everything that was lost. In any case, you should be prepared for the hero to search for himself throughout the entire book of the book.

A series of books by Mikhail Demchenko "Hunter from the Shadow". Books 1-5

A series of books by Mikhail Demchenko "Hunter from the Shadow". Books 1-5

Author: Demchenko A.V.

If you grew up on the ruins of civilization, you see how your world is slowly degenerating and dying, cruel, ugly, but familiar and dear, and fate suddenly throws up an incredible chance to start all over again... You will grab onto it with your hands and feet. You will escape from the stench and malice of those around you since birth, you will go to other worlds and see that not everything is in order there either. And in seemingly prosperous countries, evil, hatred, and greed are also brewing. So was it worth changing one for the other? Timm thinks it is worth it. There, in a world dying from radiation contamination and mutations, only the grave of his only relative remained, whose name he did not even know. And here... There are no thermonuclear charges, chemical or bacteriological weapons, and trouble is still oh so far away. And if she does come, her brother-friends will stand to meet her, next to Timm, shoulder to shoulder. And even if there is not a single person among them, even if they are called the Spawns of Chaos and the Children of the Night, what does it matter if they are devoted to each other, and will always help to get out of any trouble...