A series of books by Mikhail Demchenko "Hunter from the Shadow". Books 1-5

Author: Demchenko A.V.

The story follows the journey of a protagonist who finds himself transported from a war-torn world into a magical realm, inhabited by non-human entities. The world is divided into two factions - light and dark. The dark side is not necessarily evil, but the light side is portrayed as fanatical and controlled by the haughty elves. Humans are somewhere in the middle.

The protagonist adjusts to his new world, discovers an ancient and rare type of magic, and becomes embroiled in a conflict between the dark clans. Initially, everyone is friendly, but as he starts searching for ancient records, he realizes that many are trying to exploit him for their own gain. While the light side is pursuing world domination and the eradication of darkness, the dark side has its own agenda regarding the first adept of the Shadow in centuries.

The protagonist's strength is gradually revealed as he faces equally formidable opponents. The plot is rife with interracial intrigue, an attempt to create a magical weapon of mass destruction, and a demonic invasion from another dimension.

Active plot development, constant action

The hero tries to be independent, despite the circumstances

Everything turns out to be not as simple as it seemed at the beginning. Intrigue, betrayal, unexpected murder attempts

Many “pianos in the bushes”, thanks to which the hero is saved at the last moment

Small leaps in plot development between books - just now the hero was a novice magician and now he is already a very experienced teacher