Non-stop actions

Non-stop actions

The plot of the book unfolds continuously and actively. The author does not give the reader a moment's break, constantly setting new tasks and challenges for the hero.

On the one hand, many authors try to maintain a balance between active actions and breaks between them, which can be used to reveal the character of the heroes from different sides, a love line, or simply sell trophies and teach new abilities.

But not every author manages to maintain a balance between active and quiet periods, so as not to cause boredom in the reader.

Therefore, the plot often develops continuously with minimal pauses. If quiet periods are required in the course of history, they are either given almost no attention or are described as briefly as possible. This allows the reader not to be bored for a minute and intensely follow the unfolding actions.

Metelsky Nikolay – Losing the masks

Metelsky Nikolay – Losing the masks

Even the best plan only lasts until it begins to be implemented. This wisdom was once again felt by Maxim Rudov (aka Sakurai Shinji), who planned his life until adulthood. But here's a happy accident - and our hero finds himself in the center of an accelerating mountain avalanche of events. Relationships with aristocrats, problems with competitors, the beginning of a war with the boss of one of the criminal guilds... And also school, friends and people who depend on him. The mask of an ordinary Japanese schoolboy has already been dropped, the mask of a fighter of the rank of Apprentice for an increasing number of people around him is not able to hide the real (or almost real) strength of the hero, the mask of the virtuoso thief Tokyo Dwarf is becoming more and more uncomfortable. And we have to make ever greater efforts to ensure that the mask covering the Patriarch’s face does not fall off. But it was not for nothing that Max became the youngest witcher of the Absolute rank. Yes, not a single plan survived the collision with reality, but the goal remained unchanged. Just like the witchers’ motto: “For my Glory, in my Name”

Metelsky Nikolay - Other people's masks

Metelsky Nikolay - Other people's masks

Go forward, win, rise - this is his way. Sakurai Shinji will do anything to rise higher. To not depend on anyone. Look for loyal people, allies, make money. Fight. After all, it is in battle that the witcher becomes stronger. And it is the battle that tears off the masks: both our own and those of others.