Computer literacy

A fairly large number of modern authors have a computer education or at least a high level of technical literacy.

Accordingly, in their works, additional attention is paid to these aspects

For works of the cyberpunk genre, computers are one of the foundations of the world; accordingly, in more or less high-quality works, of course, issues of programming, hackers, technological progress, etc. are well covered.

For fantasy, the most common option is when a modern person with computer knowledge ends up in a magical world, where this knowledge often helps him achieve success.

Separately, we can highlight LitRPG works where the narration comes from the perspective of the gamer. But here, the presence of a computer game in the plot does not always mean literacy - often the gamer describes the technical side quite simply or does not pay attention to it at all.

Since many readers in the modern world come across computers in one way or another, a competent description of aspects related to them only increases the attractiveness of the work. Of course, if the author does not overdo it with technical details that are interesting and understandable only to a narrow circle of professionals

Tishchenko Vladimir – Project 22/17

Tishchenko Vladimir – Project 22/17

As often happens with people, in one secret laboratory scientists tried to create one thing, but created something completely different. This is how I found my chance to exist. You guessed it right, I am the AI. This story is my chronicle. The story of how I see the world around me and what place I assign to your race in it. Do you want to know how it all began and what my creation led to? Then get your imperfect visors ready, because there will be a lot of symbols.

Trusov A.S. - Colonist

Trusov A.S. - Colonist

About the difficult life of an inhabitant of a new planet. Space opera usually talks a lot about colonization, but almost always in the past tense. They like to mention the dispersion, the golden age and the loss of contact with their home world. That is, they immediately place their GGs in a world with a bunch of populated worlds. And here it’s about preparation and colonization itself. The scattering stage, if you will.