Atamanov Mikhail – Breakthrough to Erathia

A light fantasy tale about a group of teenage friends who discover a door that leads to another world. Fortunately, they receive clear instructions on how to use the door and where it leads. Upon entering the new world, they are welcomed with friendliness. However, dangers still exist, such as wild animals and robbers, forcing the group to defend themselves. Despite the challenges, they quickly adapt and discover their strengths and abilities, forming a standard trio of warrior-mage-thief. They eventually reach the capital of the kingdom, where they each pursue their individual paths - attending the school of magic, joining the city guard, or becoming a member of the guild of thieves.

The new world is beautiful and simple, and upon arrival, the heroes immediately gain knowledge of the language and develop their abilities. Within a few months, they become socialized and begin taking part in adventures. The story focuses on the hero mage, who becomes one of the kingdom's most promising thieves and makes local friends. However, trouble arises, and a prophecy is revealed.

Light fantasy, about teenagers for teenagers, captivating ordinary readers with its simplicity

The world is friendly for heroes, despite the dangers

The plot develops quickly, constant events do not let you get bored

You can, of course, make allowances for the simplicity of the world, but everything is very simply given to the heroes, and the thieves’ schemes are quite primitive for a thieves guild that has existed for hundreds of years