Burevoy Andrey – Demons Wasteland

The story follows a guy who is on the run from a representative of a magically created race after accidentally swearing a mutual oath with them. However, both sides are unhappy with the oath. In the meantime, he pursues his dream of becoming a treasure hunter, but soon realizes that the job is not as glamorous as he thought. Instead of grand treasures, he mostly finds leftovers from ancient times while trying to avoid mutated beasts. His magical abilities come in handy during his adventures, but ancient artifacts, a thieves' guild, and secret guards pose a constant challenge. Despite the dangers, he manages to turn a profit and escape using a personal portal when needed.

As he gains more strength and learns more about magic, he discovers that those he was running from are not as inhumane as he once believed. The book is filled with exciting adventures as the protagonist travels the world, encountering robbers, dishonest customers, and overcoming obstacles. Although there is no overarching plot, readers will enjoy watching the hero grow and develop as he faces one challenge after another.

Light adventure fantasy

The main character is just a young guy looking for his place in life and not chasing solutions to global problems

Explicit emphasis on strong and strong-willed female representatives, whom the hero, who does not shine with special qualities, is forced to encounter

Very often attention is focused on the hero’s fear of the representative of the local special services opposing him