Multiple storylines

Most often, the action of books revolves around one or a group of main characters, who together follow all the twists and turns of the plot. But sometimes the author, most often already more experienced, divides the action into several storylines. In this case, the actions take place in the same world, but the heroes can be far from each other (sometimes without even knowing about their existence) and each will have their own plot, enemies and challenges.

Most often, the heroes eventually meet and all the storylines are combined into one. Sometimes this happens at the end of a book or series of books, immediately before the final battle. Sometimes in the middle of the book, so that the heroes whose destinies had previously developed independently of each other, “get used to it” and are well prepared for the main plot outcome.

Sometimes a technique is used when the second storyline is a prehistory of the main plot. The action in it can take place recently or even in the deep past and explain the backstory of the main character, villain or the world in which the events take place. This technique allows the author to explain the reasons for current events and gives scope for unexpected plot twists related to events in the past that the reader knows about, but the main character does not even suspect.

Having multiple storylines allows the author to create several main characters who will be very different from each other. If one of them is a magician, then the second, on the contrary, will be a warrior or a thief. Moreover, everyone’s life path will reveal the world from a new side. After all, the main character, a nobleman, is unlikely to be able to get acquainted with the life of the city bottom. And some powerless resident of a remote village will not be able to understand the complex intrigues. At the same time, when the heroes meet, their combined experience will complement each other and will allow them to reach the final even more effectively.

Most often, the author limits himself to two or three storylines. Moreover, most often there is only one main character, and the remaining lines will be rather auxiliary. Sometimes the plot can branch into many independent stories, and the narrative will constantly jump between them. This requires more professionalism from the writer, as it can bore the reader, who is primarily interested in following the main character, and not constantly jumping to another continent or into the past. On the other hand, this technique fuels interest when you want to return to the main plot and find out what happened at that moment when, in the most interesting place, the author deliberately switched to another character.

The presence of several plot lines is most often a sign of a high-quality book and high professionalism of the author. Therefore, such books are worth choosing if you are looking not only for how to occupy a couple of hours of time without much effort, but are ready to delve into a complex plot and empathize with different, often very different from each other, characters

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